Thursday, April 14, 2011


Those who had predicted Google would just a bubble and Social Networking just a petty time pass for the Y gen, must certainly be feeling the pinch when it was announced that the two have been the pioneers in the field of networking last year. Indeed, the phenomena have been unprecedented both in scope and impact. With both of them instigating a revolution in Arab world and nationwide unity towards eradicating an inbred evil back home.

Google, with the turn of the millennium, cemented its roots deep down in almost half the urbane psyches. Initially what began as a search engine and a learning tool developed into a medium to promote propaganda along with providing financial opportunities to netizens. What Google achieved was an inspiration to those in Silicon Valley who had given up hope after Microsoft had monopolized the cyber world in the 90s. Facebook and Twitter with their predecessors Orkut, MySpace, etc. must be thankful to Google which led to the existence of the world we live in today.

Having said that, the only thing Google wasn’t able to consolidate was its Social Networking site Orkut. With the advent of Facebook and its revolutionary founder Mark Zuckerberg, a new chapter was written in the modern world. The concept was old now, what mattered was the content and the ease with which one can connect with his/her friend in the best possible way. While Orkut steadily declined and became anachronistic, Facebook discernibly took over the internet and became a self proclaimed protagonist. Soon followed Twitter, and now presented a device which had been in existence for many years but never quite got the affect as Twitter did- Micro blogging. With celebrities too joining the bandwagon, opinions suddenly started to matter more than what they had been in pre-Globalization era.

Although I have always considered the two as modern bullies who have changed the way people interact with each other and simultaneously renaming an entire generation as Facebook generation. One fact that can’t be underestimated, is the unity that it has brought among nations trying to achieve a common objective. Egypt revolution would be considered as the epitome of modern civil warfare. It left the dictators in the entire Arab world bewildered and gave them absolutely no time to react and think intelligently on what needs to be done to control the situation. Congress felt the same way when it happened to them just after the world cup leaving many bemused to the effectiveness of today’s citizen galvanizing techniques.

Summarizing my first attempt at serious writing, I would say this synergy between public opinion and social networking if best used, could actually eradicate the parasites of our nation which are a huge hindrance to its development. What I think of Facebook and twitter effecting lives of the today’s youth can be dealt with some other day!

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